Sunday, July 22, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

"The Finals"

I've been really busy lately hence the reason why this post is late but I wanted to get some pics of The Finals up so you can all enjoy. Even though they lost all 4 games in a row, it was still an awesome experience, and remember...... there's always next year! Go CAVS!!!!!!!

Abraham-Issac Moment

Well just another day at work, grinding away listening to some Jeremy Camp when one of his songs "Letting Go"
came on. It goes a little something like this: chorus: letting go- to the things I hold so dear--- letting go- to all my pains and all my fears. A very simple chorus, but it proved to be a very powerful one for me today. You see, I've been blessed with a wonerful family, a Loving wife (not to mention a hotty at that) and two kids that I honestly have thanked God for everyday of their lives. I hold them all very dear to me. But sitting there worshiping God during that song, I felt like God was giving me an
"ABRAHAM ISSAC MOMENT" He showed me that as much as I love my wife and kids, nothing is to compare to the love that belongs to Him. His goodness was showing me that He wanted more love than the love I was giving my family. I was just blown away that God, my Saviour, and my Friend was jealous of my family and wanted to be loved. I quickly repented and learned that as much as we love our family, it should never compare to our love for God. God You are amazing, and I stand in awe of your goodness and love...amen.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Ok its been a really long time since i last posted anything on my extremely lame blog.....I am very ashamed......but then again, not really. Anyway, just wanted to get back on again, and bore you all to death with life. My posts will not be very consistent, or often, but at least i will TRY to start sharing again. Ok, i have to eat some popcorn and go to bed. peace out

Monday, January 1, 2007

New Year's

Well it's 2007 and I can't wait to see what will happen this year. We've had some good changes in our lives last year, and with those changes being somewhat settled in our lives now, I can't wait to see them really working for us this year. God is so good and faithful. He truly is closer than a brother.

I want to re-listen to Mark Driscoll's message on Reverse-Engineering Your Life. Even though this message was preached at an Acts 29 bootcamp, it can definetly be applied to all. It is an encouragement to look at the big picture of your life and not just the day-to-day planning of your life which can easily get off target by other day-to-day things. This is a message for Everyone. WARNING: Listening to this message will cause severe brain and heart dammage if not applied, it's not for whimps and sissys.

Monday, December 25, 2006

My Kids

My kids are the best! Check out this video of jackson playing drums, he's only 20 months old in this, look out Neil Pert!

Here is another video of jackson with his aunt amy in the hospital when eli was born. you can tell their gonna be buds.

And here is another video of us with jackson on a little trip we took to sandusky, ohio to Great Wolf Lodge. really fun.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Recent Church Sermons

I just wanted to share my thoughts on some recent sermons from my church. Pastor Herron has been teaching us that if we really have integrity, then we would reach out to people that we would usually feel unconfortable talking too, or hanging out with. He's given us examples in scripture, and you can really hear his heartbeat when talking on this subject. I have been tremendously encouraged and convicted by God at the same time. It is very easy to just hang out with other christians, or only be involved in church activity, etc...and not really think about the dying world around us. Non-Christians can hurt your feelings, tell you your wrong, make fun of you in front of other people, etc. so it can be tough to make friends with them and share your faith with them and do your best to influence them with the gospel. But I am realizing that if I am not seeking out the lost and looking, I will be frustrated with my relationship with God! Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and so should we, if we really have the heart of Jesus. I heard a preacher say once " if you don't care about lost people, your probably not a christian"

Download his sermons and check out his study notes, it is worth your time. Part of his notes is a quote from Pastor Rob Bell which said "Why blame the darkness for being dark; it is far more helpfull to ask why the Light isn't as bright as it should be" This takes away our excuses for not reaching out to the lost letdown and looking. Don't hide your light under a bushell.