Thursday, June 28, 2007

Abraham-Issac Moment

Well just another day at work, grinding away listening to some Jeremy Camp when one of his songs "Letting Go"
came on. It goes a little something like this: chorus: letting go- to the things I hold so dear--- letting go- to all my pains and all my fears. A very simple chorus, but it proved to be a very powerful one for me today. You see, I've been blessed with a wonerful family, a Loving wife (not to mention a hotty at that) and two kids that I honestly have thanked God for everyday of their lives. I hold them all very dear to me. But sitting there worshiping God during that song, I felt like God was giving me an
"ABRAHAM ISSAC MOMENT" He showed me that as much as I love my wife and kids, nothing is to compare to the love that belongs to Him. His goodness was showing me that He wanted more love than the love I was giving my family. I was just blown away that God, my Saviour, and my Friend was jealous of my family and wanted to be loved. I quickly repented and learned that as much as we love our family, it should never compare to our love for God. God You are amazing, and I stand in awe of your goodness and love...amen.

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